Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Yoga Time with Mrs. Honey and Mrs. Broam

Today we read and moved with Mrs. Honey's Hat by Pam Adams!  Here's the YouTube of our fun:  https://youtu.be/TpjWSjIbLQE 

Mrs. Broam's mom wore a red, white, and blue headband to celebrate Flag Day on Sunday, 6/14/2020!

Mrs. Honey has a hat and so does Mrs. Broam.

A COW eats 

 the FLOWERS on her hat but Mrs. Honey didn't notice.

 A SPIDER left cobwebs on her hat but Mrs. Honey didn't notice.

An alley cat took the bow off her hat and left some fishbones, but Mrs. Honey didn't notice . . .

How can we pay more attention to what is happening? How can we be more mindful??!

We connected to our Thursday storytime story, Facts vs. Opinions vs. Robots by Michael Rex, when we pretended to be robots while resting -- Relax Kids The Wishing Star by Marneta Viegas, pp. 52-53

After yoga, we are ready to focus and do what we need to do next!  Did you notice?

#bemindful #YogaTimewithMrsBroamTuesdaysat10 #inoticed

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