Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Yoga Road Trip to Alaska

We traveled to Alaska today, pretending to be animals that live in the Pacific Northwest! Here's the YouTube of our fun:  https://youtu.be/4Q6gyQL-K_0

Many of today's postures are "heart openers!" Put your hands on your heart and take deep breaths in and out.

Now breath in and "hoOWWWWl" it out like a wolf!🐺

Your back will strengthen and not feel "prickly" when you pretend to be a porcupine.

Warm up your body to work.

My mom and dad visited Alaska in 2006 and 2015.  My dad ("Pop Pop") shared pictures of Alaskan animals as we practiced being them during today's Yoga Time.  He has pictures of a dogsled team pulling a four wheeler to practice in the summertime???!

There are three kinds of bears in Alaska.  Walk like a Grizzly or Black Bear or Polar Bear! Bear Walking uses large muscles and folds the body.  This is calming.  It's a good technique for when you have lots of energy.

Swim with the salmon!

Twist like a deer.  The deer in Alaska are smaller than our White-Tailed Deer.

Rest by pretending to be a flying bird . . .

Yay for a Yoga Road Trip!

Thank you for sharing pictures today, Pop Pop!

Up next, Blueberry Pie!  We will read about Ordinary Mary on Thursday at 2:00.

"Namaste" is what we say to the good in you from the good in me.🙏 #YogaTimeWithMrsBroamTuesdaysAt10

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