Tuesday, May 26, 2020

There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea

It's a Yog-a-long Sing-a-long!
[hole--boat pose]
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea, 
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a hole, there's a hole,
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea.

[log--locust or superhero pose]
There's a log in the hole 
In the bottom of the sea,
There's a log in the hole
In the bottom of the sea,
There's a log, there's a log,
There's a log in the hole
In the bottom of the sea.

[bump--child's or mouse pose]
There's a bump on the log 
In the hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a bump on the log
In the hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a bump, there's a bump,
There's a bump on the log
In the hole in the bottom of the sea.

[frog--malasana, frog pose]
There's a frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea, 
There's a frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a frog, there's a frog,
There's a frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

[wart--poke out your elbow in frog pose to create the "wart"]
There's a wart on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea, 
There's a wart on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a wart, there's a wart,
There's a wart on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

[fly--spider pose: https://youtu.be/QUB_W7hva7I]
There's a fly on the wart on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea, 
There's a fly on the wart on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a fly, there's a fly,
There's a fly on the wart on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

[see directions below verse--Mrs. Broam is doing "1/2" of the pose!]
There's a flea on the fly on the wart on the frog 
On the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea, [flea--firefly pose]
There's a flea on the fly on the wart on the frog
On the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a flea, there's a flea,
There's a flea on the fly on the wart on the frog
On the bump on the log
In the hole in the bottom of the sea.

flea--firefly pose:  
To start the Firefly Pose steps, you should first come into the squatting position;
Then bring your shoulder and left upper arm as far as you can under your left thigh,...
By changing your body’s center of gravity, carefully you should bring yourself to come off...
After taking a deep breath, your legs should be stretched out to your sides... 

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