Friday, May 22, 2020

zipaDeeBee Baubles and Bangles -- Challenge Charms

This bracelet can be made with any pattern or colors!

The charms represent the steps to take when facing a challenge or setback!  Here's how to reset, how  to pick yourself up and begin again:

Work TREE POSE as you take a deep breath.  Maybe three, maybe five deep breaths.  Breathing calms the nervous system, benefits the digestive system, and improves the respiratory system.  It releases muscle tension and relaxes the mind, enhancing your ability to concentrate and memorize.  

Make TURTLE HANDS to s-l-o-w down.

STEP BACK into WARRIOR 2 POSTURE to gain perspective and strength.  When you step back, you can see the bigger picture.  You can see all your choices and the possibilities more clearly.

For the BOOK CHARM, work REVERSE WARRIOR POSE and think about turning pages back to the beginning of your story . . . discern your progress. Recognize your gains. Identify what is good.

In SIDE ANGLE POSE, THINK about your obstacles, consider the bumps in your road.  Now what are your choices?

Next comes the time for EFFORT. Work REVERSE SIDE ANGLE POSE.  Utilize your resources.  Implement your plan.  You are brave.  You are strong.  You CAN DO HARD THINGS.  You have had a tough time.  You will be faced with challenges in the future.  But you CAN "rise on wings like eagles . . . run and not get weary . . . walk and not get weak."~Isaiah 40:31

repeat this yoga practice to work the opposite side of your body

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