Do you have a bubble gum or brick brain? Do you say, "This is a challenge," or "This is too hard?" Do you think, "I'm never going to be good at this," or "I'll get better with more practice?" A bubble gum brain stretches ideas and chews on thoughts. A brick brain believes things are the way they are, that's just the way it is. If you have a brick brain, you need to take the wrapper OFF to be a bubble gum brain! In other words, a bubble gum brain has GRIT: Growth, Resilience, Integrity, and Tenacity
GROWTH is about starting small and getting bigger and better with each effort!
It's like the planting of a seed and watching it mature to a plant.
You can pretend to be a SEED with your body and then grow into a TALL TREE!
RESILIENCE is about bouncing back when you fall or fail. It's that idea of "getting back on the horse" and learning from the fall.
Like "Slinky" from "Toy Story," you s-t-r-e-t-c-h and then snap back, stronger and wiser than before!

Practice RESILIENCE with your body by moving from DOWN DOG yoga pose to PLANK and back to DOWN DOG.
INTEGRITY is working honestly, giving a quality effort, even when no one is looking.
Abraham Lincoln was known as "Honest Abe." He worked with integrity during his presidency, even when the country was divided, and it would have been easier to give up trying.
Twinkle Your Star to 🌟sHinE🌟 Brightly with INTEGRITY
TENACITY is that never-giving up, never-giving in toughness.
You're like "the dog with the bone!"
You can practice any WARRIOR yoga pose to illustrate TENACITY. This is WARRIOR 1.
The sea turtle's life cycle shows GRIT. These turtles have to be RESILIENT and TENACIOUS to dig out of their nest on the sandy beach and then scuttle to the ocean. There are predators out for a snack so these little guys have to keep moving AND moving in the right direction to survive. While in the ocean, they GROW! Then when momma sea turtles lay their eggs, they travel back to the very beach on which they were born. That's INTEGRITY! Not the closest beach or any old beach, the beach of their birth.
Here's how to make "turtle hands!" Open your hand and
lay the thumb across the palm.
Gently wrap the other fingers around the thumb and
lay the loose fist on your legs or lap. For some folks, there is a calming effect when they hold their hands this way.
Having GRIT is IN your Circle of Control! It's the top measure of success . . . not how much you have or how much you know . . . it's the effort you're willing to give! Be GRITTY~YOU CAN DO IT😊 You R2 D2ermined to quit during May the 4th Week or ANY week!

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