Our yoga postures represented responsible problem-solving strategies today!
Here's COMPROMISE: Not YOUR Way, Not MY Way, OUR Way! We're all in the same boat . . .
IGNORE is a strategy that works for small problems! If you don't give it attention or energy, it's likely to "go away" . . .
Here's a bicycle built for one, but you can do this move with a partner and SHARE a bicycle. SHARING is one way to solve a problem and (1) Nobody gets hurt (2) Nothing gets broken.
TAKING TURNS is like being on a see-saw . . . you go, then I go, then your turn and my turn again . . .
We practiced the BUG and a WISH strategy for talking out a problem with a friend. Here's the bug . . .

and here's the wish!
If Rudolph knew about a BUG and a WISH, he might have said, "It bugs me when you call me names, I wish you'd call me Rudolph." Or maybe, "It bugs me with you don't let me play, please include me in the reindeer games."
Negotiation is when you zigzag back and forth until you determine a solution that works best for all.

There's gonna be PROBLEMS . . . but we are PROBLEM SOLVERS!
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