Monday, June 25, 2018

Climbing Mountains with YETI Yoga!

Do Your Efforts and Thoughts Inspire?

We're working to a PEAK POSE as we kick off the YETI Yoga Series.
You start at the very beginning . . . 
then climb and climb . . . 
and before you know it . . . 

you're at the SUMMIT and WHAT A VIEW?!

The poses we are tackling in this first practice of the series open shoulders and challenge core strength in preparation for the grand finale!  Here is a pose that works the shoulders and tummy:

This twisting posture can be ramped up by taking the arm hugging the knee in front of the knee.  The hand would then reach back to the hand of the arm that is a kick stand in this pic.  A strap (or necktie) can help you connect! This tweak would open the shoulder more.

THREADING THE NEEDLE also stretches your shoulders.
Your shoulders have lots of moving parts.  Each shoulder has four joints, plus layers and layers of soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons).  

We're getting closer . . . 

and closer to the top of the mountain:

And here's the PEAK POSTURE:
Thank you, Deni, for sharing ideas with me so I can share with others!

Maybe thinking about YETIs will help us be a little cooler during the hot weather . . . 

and we'll consider the FOOTPRINT our choices create so we'll write a better a story with our lives?!
Join us for BIG FUN with the YETI Yoga Series!

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