Friday, February 4, 2022

When You're Scared, YOGA!

February 2nd was Groundhog Day!  The Groundhog was scared of his shadow!😨

Little Unicorn was scared and put on his armor of courage with his breath.🦄

We practiced this strategy! Air up the nose, put on your armor of courage, air out the nose!👃

When we are strong in our bodies we can change how we feel in our hearts and heads.🌄

Be a HERO!  Here's "Hero 1" . . .

"Hero 3" . . . 

and "Hero 2!"

One more way to work your fears is to talk them out!  Talk to a trusted adult about what scares you.  Talk to God about it when you pray.🙏

"I want my life to make a difference!  I want my life to make a change. I want my life to do some good here.  I want my life to make a change." 🎵 

When you know how to take care when you are scared, you will be more confident and can make the world a better place like only you can do💖


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