Tuesday, December 29, 2020

5th Day of Christmas


Be Here Now: Humor

“Learning to be in the present moment, without judging it, boosts our resilience. . . When we’re fully present, we’re more likely to find appropriate levity to moments of challenge and to relieve stress by finding humor in a situation.”~p. 125, Onward by Elena Aguilar

Mindfulness helps us:

Pay attention to what’s happening right now

See and speak clearly with intentionality

Align our actions with our aspirations and core beliefs

Create the general conditions that minimize bias

Become aware of our emotions

Take multiple perspectives

Regulate our responses

Reduce anxiety

Increase empathy~p. 137

"The Myth of Multitasking" p. 278, The Onward Workbook: Daily activities to Cultivate Your Emotional Resilience and Thrive by Elena Aguilar

" . . . what blocks mindfulness: Multitasking and perpetual busyness.  Contrary to popular belief, humans are cognitively unable to multitask."

"The human brain can only focus on one thing at a time."

"Neuroscientists explain when you are interrupted and have to switch your attention back and forth, it takes on average, 50% longer to accomplish the task."

"So why do we do it? First, multitasking can feel good. It actually stimulates dopamine production, and dopamine makes us feel happy."

"Multitasking prompts the release of adrenaline and other stress hormones, which contribute to short-term memory loss and long-term health problems."

"It contributes to stress, undermines our ability to connect with others, and erodes professional skills."

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