Thursday, May 10, 2018

ALL Feelings are OK

They don't ALL feel okay to feel . . . but it is normal and inevitable to feel both PLEASANT and UNPLEASANT feelings.  Yoga is one way to manage your feelings well!

When you are happy, you may feel like a horse kicking her heels . . .

or a bird flying high in the sky!

Sometimes you feel like a busy, buzzy bee!

But sometimes you feel s-l-o-w and l-o-w, l-o-w, l-o-w down . . . 

You may only want to watch when days "feel gray."

Here's a cool and quiet fish
deep, deep in the sea.

When you feel angry, you may feel like a volcano . . .

or HOWLING wolf!

To move from your UPSTAIRS brain (a BIG feeling) to your DOWNSTAIRS brain (quiet and calm) . . .
just take one breath, one walk about, one "time-out," one "count-to-ten," one yoga posture at a time!

Rest and . . . 

be OK with ALL your Feelings!

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