Thank you for taking the TIME to yoga at Pisgah and Cedar Grove! I appreciate your willingness to try new ideas and venture into a variety of topics! This week we tackled the book of Ecclesiastes. I thought it was neat how this connected to our It’s Good to be Queen series this summer. I appreciate how Solomon figures it out: “life without God is a long and fruitless search for enjoyment, meaning, and fulfillment.” (Bare Bones Bible Handbook, p. 99) Some folks, like the prophet Jonah, never “get” God’s message, but Solomon did. The book of Ecclesiastes is his effort to “spare readers the bitterness of learning through personal experience" and acknowledge "that contentment and joy are only found in God.” (Bare Bones Bible Handbook, p. 99-100)
On p. 102 of the Bare Bones Bible Handbook, Jim George elaborates “All is Vanity” --
V -- vanity of godless living
A -- accumulating wealth
N -- not heeding God’s authority
I -- ignoring God’s timing
T -- trusting the wisdom of man
Y -- yearning for pleasure
Cedar Grove yogis, I had the book with me the whole time. . . [sigh] . . . Pisgah yogis, I forgot to show you the “V” [giggle] from Global Family Yoga’s ABCs:
When we practice yoga we (1) breathe, (2) warm-up, (3) work standing, (4) balance, (5) work on the floor, and (5) REST! Wednesday’s class had more “up” and “down” and for Thursday I reworked the order of the verses we explored in Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 to align more with our traditional flow of practice:
The head and neck posture I couldn’t remember, Cedar Grove Yogis, was owl twist:
(picture from Jason Crandell's New Twists on Twist, September 7, 2012)
We usually have the arm reaching down behind the back, like a “second spine.”
The book we read during “legs up the wall” time:
I found a audio on youtube of the poem by French Catholic priest, Michel Quoist, “Lord, I Have Time”:
Namaste, Yogi Friends!
See you again on February 1 & 2!!! I think it's appropriate we'll be exploring "FLAWED vs. FLAWLESS" next since I made so many mistakes this week???!!! :-)