Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Exercise Self-Compassion in One Meaningful Way TODAY!

Nancy Carlson's I Like Me

Give yourself a compliment.

Take a break during your day instead of working nonstop.

Forgive yourself for making a mistake.

Remind yourself that you're doing the best you can!

Be patient when you feel overwhelmed.

Allow difficult emotions and bodily sensations to exist without judgement or shame.  

Dr. Chanequa Walker Barnes, Sacred Self-Care, p. 67

YOU ARE GOOD! [God said so, and God's words are POWERFUL. He spoke and the world was created. And it was GOOD. Don't argue with God!]

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Ways I Feel God's Presence

Sitting still and quiet

Being with pets

Being with the People of God

ELCA Deaconess Community140th Anniversary Assembly Planning Team

Service to Others

Sharing children sermons at Sunday's Worship

Teaching yoga to anybody who will give it a try!

Hanging out with Koinonia Friends💓

Reading God's Word

Here's some of my favorite verses from The Good News Translation and New Revised Standard Version Update Edition of the Bible:

  • 16 Be joyful always, 17 pray at all times, 18 be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

  • Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

  • For there is nothing that God cannot do. Luke 1:37

  • I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 NRSVUE

  • 16 But get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as my servant. You are to tell others what you have seen of me[a] today and what I will show you in the future. Acts 26:16


I especially like this kid version of The Lord's Prayer:

Dear God our Father, who lives in heaven there is power in your name. We trust your ways…from your kingdom in heaven all the way down to earth where we live. Please provide all we need today. Forgive our mistakes as we forgive those who make mistakes against us. Help us to make good choices and protect us from all that is evil.


I really love the crescendo -- it explodes to what I think God's Presence feels like in my heart.

This just makes me want to dance!

This one sparks joy! I love to sing it as LOUD as I can🎝

How do YOU feel God's presence in your life?

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Calm and Strengthen for Confidence and Courage

 Begin with a fold . . .

Child's Pose with knees wide 

Hold all the shapes for 3-5-10 breaths, whatever feels good and right is.

Open the heart with the Sphinx Pose, elbows under shoulders and "moving" towards your ribs.

Strengthen the back muscles of the upper body, lower body or both!  Try this shape 2 to 3x

Rest in Child's Pose

Find a plank that works for you today: table, forearm plank, half plank, full plank

For more core strengthening, practice the boat (dog bowl) shape.  Again, find the modification that serves you well today.

Next, side plank with gaze down, if that makes your neck happy,

or looking up!

Happy Baby Pose for relaxing, good for digestive processes

Savasana in shape that is most comfortable, breathe easy, and rest
[If you wear glasses, you can remove for added relaxation]

Meta Meditation
"May you be happy."
"May you be healthy."
"May you live life with peace, ease, and grace."


Friday, April 5, 2024

Create in Me Friends


Day One - Gold and Silver Friends (gold and silver beads)

Day Two - Animal "Friends" - snake friends are sneaky, turtle friends stay in the shells, shark friends bite, kick, punch, and pinch, sheep friends just follow along without thinking things through, monkey friends are out of control and hurt people "on accident" - TEDDY BEAR friends help people feel safe and valued!  The listen and share God's love with their hearts, hands, and feet. (teddy bear, snake, sheep, and turtle charms)

Day Three - Friends Remember, Think, and Pray (smile charm, brain, and prayer hands)

Pick 20ish beads of colors you like.  You will cut off excess wire after threading the beads so don't completely fill the wire.  The wire is too flimsy for too many beads!

Thread the silver disk shape bead then follow with the silver.  Put two beads on and follow with the gold.

Thread two more beads of your choice and follow with each animal charm!  Two beads, animal charm, two beads, animal charm, two beads animal charm.

Thread two beads and follow with the smiley face bead, two beads and brain charm, two beads and the prayer hands.

Finish with the 2nd silver disk shape bead, cut the wire, and bend the wire to stop the beads from sliding off the end of the bracelet.

This mnemonic is a souvenir for Create in Me 2024 Morning Stretch Time🎨🖌

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Ideas for Vagus Nerve Stimulation


On July 27, Sister Sara Galyon's First Call Cohort in Southeastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America shared ideas for stimulating the vagus nerve or tenth cranial nerve which regulates calm in the body!  Here are some of those ideas to remember:

  • Dip your face in cold water, take cold showers, drink cold milk
  • Chanting or singing
  • Yoga
  • Loving-Kindness Meditation
  • Positive social relationships
  • Slow and Deep Breathing
  • Laughter
  • Prayer
  • Probiotics
  • Gentle exercise
  • Massage
  • Fasting
  • Tai Chi
  • Gargling
  • Seafood
  • Oxytocin (you touch your hands over your heart to release)
  • Zinc
  • Acupuncture
  • Chewing Gum
  • Eating fiber
  • Sun exposure
A good book to explore more is Vagus Nerve and Overthinking: A Guide to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve and Declutter Your Mind, Techniques to Stop Worrying, Relieve Stress and Anxiety, Overcome Chronic Illness, Trauma and Depression. by John Harper.  These good ideas are from his text.  

Thursday, November 23, 2023

pumpkin yoga with a BIG turkey

How many pumpkins did Grammy decorate with this year?!
Tour with a turkey, breathe and move, and make a guess!

"Reverse Plank" for pumpkins on a hill

"Warrior II" for pumpkins in pairs

hangout near the clothesline with "Warrior I"

pumpkins near a "Tree"

a couple "Turkeys" with how many pumpkins?

"Scarecrows" protect the pumpkins

"Plank" with pumpkins in a row

a "Butterfly" in the pumpkin patch

pumpkins near a pool are cool as a "cartwheel"

we "love" Grammy's pumpkin decorating (Purna Hridaya Heart Mudra: Welcoming Thoughts and Feelings‘Purna’ means open and ‘hridaya’ is the heart, thus this is the Open Heart Mudra.

get "down" with pumpkins in Houdini's "dog" pen

"Table" your pumpkins for later

"Fire logs" warming near the pumpkins

"Driving" for pumpkins on 2103 Holland Street Memorial Drive

Do what you can and do you best! 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

October Internship Adventures Report


GOD spelled backwards is DOG.  My dogs remind me of the presence of God!  They are always glad to see me when I've been on adventures.  The cuddle up close and help me feel better when I need a little cheer.  They remind me to rest, get outside, go for walks. Thank you, God, for these to fur babies that have brought joy and chuckles to my world!🐶🐶

The first of October was the last day of my Atlanta adventure with you all.  Here's teaching grace for breakfast at Lutheranch's confirmation retreat.🥓

Here's yoga with the four year olds at Pisgah Lutheran Child Development Ministry!  We've been yoga-ing with the elements.  This was a lesson about water and Noah. 🚰

At the end of every class, little ones who have been good listeners and participators get inside the big breathing ball.  We sing, "I want my life to make a difference. I want my life to make a change.  I want my life to do some good here.  I want my life to make a change."  What you sing about, you bring about.🎶

On the first Friday of every month, my mom, aunts, and I have breakfast or lunch together! Momma was camping so Aunt Ada, my mom's little sister, and my Aunt Sandy, my Dad's brother's wife, and I soldiered on! It was good food and good fellowship as always.😋

My friend Elizabeth and I met for a walk at Granby Park on a beautiful afternoon.  She wore the shirt I designed for Stephen (my seminarian friend who died unexpectedly last summer)!  A good friend helping me celebrate a good friend.🌻
At Southeastern's Fall Convocation, I helped with the First Call Support.

I shared a workshop on wellness and all the ways to be well!

We did some yoga during the free time on Wednesday afternoon!

I got to meet Joe Davis at DOTAC (Diakonia of the Americas and Caribbean) in Minneapolis this summer!  He was not able to be at the Southeastern Fall Convocation in person, but it was still an awesome presentation.  (1) Get Grounded (2) Get Connected (3) Get Going
Minneapolis in August with Joe

Our daughter Lydia, a senior at Lexington High School, was accepted to Methodist University in Fayetteville.  We do an overnight there to check it out the first week of November.

Quick trip to Lancaster, PA to be a part of Molly's ELCA Deaconess Community Rite of Accompaniment
I had never traveled quite like this??!🛫

Molly and me -- we both experienced the "Rite of Accompaniment" with the ELCA Deaconess Community this year!💕
Sister Sarah, Candidate D'Etta, and Applicant Molly, who will be a "Candidate Molly" the day after this picture!

Sister Deb knows I collect hats?!  She found a perfect light up hat for me.🤠  

It is always uplifting to be together with the ELCA Deaconess Community. We found out two days after this picture that Molly's family experienced an unimaginable loss in the death of her daughter, River. River was a beautiful senior in high school. Please pray for this family.  God is with us, Jesus is weeping, the Spirit is groaning because we have no words.

At NC Synod Fall Convocation I reconnected with Catherine!  She was Lutheran Church Youth president for the SC Synod in 1983-84 and I served as the SCLCY secretary.  After 39 years, we didn't skip a beat.  My favorite story is the time we traveled to Greenville on LCY business and didn't quite make it home before dark . . . we had to get our parents to come pick us up at the Chapin exit . . . now we would probably do the same (I don't like to drive after dark), but we'd call our children to rescue us??!

I reconnected with old friends and made new ones at NC Fall Convocation:
Meet Dr. Luke Powery, author, professor of homiletics at Duke, good friend of my advisor at Southern, Dr. Brent Driggers -- His messages inspired me! So thankful to "make room in my heart for God's conjunctive Jesus Christ, who is divine AND human!" Our God is an "and" God :-)

I got to see Brooke again!  We roomed together at a Deaconess Community Formation Event in May.  My husband and I had supper with her and her mom on the weekend of her installation at The Dwelling (  Hopefully we will cross paths again soon!  Maybe I can share some of my ministry with her ministry?

Supper with Brooke in Winston-Salem, NC in September

Rooming with Brooke in May in Darien, Illinois

A Lutheran minister, formerly a practicing Hindu, objected to the cultural appropriation of yoga in Western culture. NC renamed my offering as "stretch and prayer."

I appreciated the update on changes proposed for the candidacy process at NC Fall Convocation!  

If you have thoughts, please complete the survey accessed via this QR Code.

Next week I attend SC Synod Fall Convocation at Lutheridge.  I'll travel with my husband to Chattanooga next weekend for him to race the Chattajack.  He practiced today canoeing 18 miles in 4 hours.  The Chattajack is 31 miles and he hopes to complete in 6-8 hours.

October 30 and 31 is the Internship Retreat in Hickory, NC at the Catholic Center.  Then I'll head to Fayetteville for Lyddie's college visit.

In November I will work with Pastor Colleen of Virginia Synod on Advent Movement opportunities for rostered leaders.  I will follow up on the social services database collection for Southeastern.  I will do a General Health Yoga Therapy Training in Greensboro.  I will finish up coursework at Southern for Lutheranism in North America and Introduction to Theology.  Do some campus ministry with Newberry College. Attend Jill's Yoga Class at Lilburn and just like that the internship will wrap.🎁