Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Broamlette Yoga--30 minutes

Breath of Joy -- Orchestra Style -- inhale, inhale, inhale, exhale (take a bow)

shoulder rolls
neck rolls

Kneel with your heels under your chicken cheeks.  Grasp a strap widely in front of you.  Inhale and raise both arms overhead.  Exhale and move your arms in a arc, to take them behind your back.  Inhale and raise your hands once again then exhale as you bring them in front of you.  Continue the movements with your breath.

Put the strap aside and reach your right arm over head, reaching down your back with elbow to the sky
gently pull the elbow back, breathe

Keep your right arm in place, drop your left hand by your side.  Rotating from your shoulder joint turn your left thumb behind you  Bend your elbows to catch hands or use a strap to extend your arms. breathe.

Repeat stretching left arm.

Table top for a tea party
inhale cow
exhale cat

down dog

inhale right heel to the sky, exhale kick between your hands
right knee behind right hand for a pigeon stretch.
move your right foot toward your left hand (parallel to the short side of your mat), okay to have right foot at left hip joint.  Place your fingertips on the floor in front of you.  Use the muscles of your spine to arch into a long, even backbend and gaze straight ahead for slow breaths.  Keep hips square.

repeat on left

transition--Partly Cloudy, Sun A
bring feet together for plank, tailbone to sky for down dog.  Look between your hands, walk or jump to forward fold.
inhale halfway lift and lengthen
exhale dive to the floor for a forward fold
inhale arms overhead for extended mountain
exhale thumbs to heart


dead bug

corpse--story of walking in the woods, Worry Woman, bubbling brook, clouds

3 part body blessing

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