We began our practice today exploring the Breathing Toolbox:
One way to breathe is like a bellows!
You put your hands on your shoulders, elbows togehter, and then breathe your elbows apart.
When you exhale, you blow out your air and bring the elbows back together.
The first story we shared today was about a king who lived in a castle with his family.
The stepmom was jealous of the king's love for his four children. She took them to the lake
so they could swim.
Then the not-so-nice stepmom turned the children into one, two, three . . .
four swans?!
When the king discovered the trickery, he turned the stepmom into a moth! The moth flew away and was never seen again.
The children were swans for 900 years?! They spent 300 years on three different lakes . . .
We pretended to fly from one lake to the next.
After 900 years, a church bell rang and the curse was broken!
The children were happy to be children again! They sang and danced to celebrate.
Our second legend was about a giant in Ireland named Finn.
He stacked rocks to build a causeway from Ireland to Scotland.
Because he was afraid of a BIGGER giant in Scotland he pretended to be a baby . . .
We wrapped our stories with a Shamrock Circle!
During our relaxation we imagined playing with a leprechaun! We ate Lucky Charms and slid down rainbows into pots of gold.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!