Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Keep MOOOving!

Arthritis is a joint disorder that involves inflammation of the joints.  The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, and it's caused by natural wear and tear, injury or infection.  Mrs. Connie reminded us the best thing to do is KEEP MOVING.  We moved for healthy joints tonight.  We're seeing a pattern in that postures that are great for knee health are the same ones for core strength, healthy backs and arthritis!  YEA for YOGA!

Thanks to Shannon for sharing that a favorite hymn was "This is My Father's World."  We did a neat meditation including it and a story about listening for God's voice (thanks to Mrs. Julie, a housekeeper at PHES, for sharing it with me today)!

Here's the tips I was trying to remember!  When feeling:
overexcited, nervous, antsy--folds (1) forward fold (2) monkey (halfway lift and lengthen)
tired, sad, heavy--back bending poses (1) snake (2) table (3) superhero
scattered, unstable, overwhelmed--standing poses (1) tree (2) mountain

I liked using the wall and chair as props to help you yoga.  In October we'll concentrate on bones, moon salutations and other SPOOKY FUN.

Don't be scared!  Meet you on the mat,

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"Guess What Day It Is?"  AND .  .  .

It's a Pisgah Yoga Day!  Tonight, 5:30-6:30, we'll explore "humor" and how laughter strengthens your core and lengthens your life!

Tomorrow Mrs. Connie will lead the class, 6:00-7:00, as my family celebrates my husband's birthday!

Be happier than a camel on Wednesday!

I am--

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Remembering . . .

Thank you for having fun or maybe just considering having fun at Pisgah Yoga?!  Last week we talked about how relationships are the secret to happiness.   "The Grant Study" is the research project which followed 237 male subjects for 68 years.  Supportive relationships were found to be key, "in particular the giving of support to others had the biggest impact on longevity and life happiness."

Thursday we zeroed in on the "it band."  This is the illiotibial band which is fascia or stiff connective tissue like tendons and ligaments that surrounds muscles, bones, and joints.  The it band connects hips to knees and can shorten when walking, running or cycling and then cause faulty alignment.  Foam rollers are great to stretch the it band. We also tried postures to strengthen ankles, knee, and hip joints to take care of this part of you!  

We will not have class this Thursday.  Mrs. Connie is out of town on September 12, but she is available to lead class on Thursday, September 19.  

Our Wednesday class on September 11 will be a fun adventure with "Memory."  We will play with Greek Mythology a bit and check out the Goddess of Memory, Mnemosyne.  Here are some tips to improve your memory:

Some of these good ideas keep cropping up over and over again--proper rest, healthy food choices, MOOOve your body .  .  . 

Let me know if you have any topics YOU would like to explore!

Meet you on the Mat!